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12 December 2019 MEDIA RELEASE

Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration

Education Council today launched a new national declaration on educational goals for all young Australians.

The COAG Education Council Chair, Dan Tehan, said that the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration sets out our vision for education in Australia. “The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration builds on the impact of the 2008 Melbourne Declaration and includes changes to ensure Australia’s education system continues to provide the best opportunities for young Australians in a rapidly changing world”, said Minister Tehan.

Signing this declaration in Alice Springs (Mparntwe), a remote town in the heart of our vast country, recognises our commitment to an education system that delivers outcomes for all young Australians, regardless of their geographic location. By including the Aboriginal name for Alice Springs, Mparntwe, in the title, Education Council acknowledges its responsibility in ensuring that, through our education systems, the rich culture and history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is passed down to future generations.

“To help young Australians realise their potential, all Australian Governments recommit to delivering education systems that promote excellence and equity, and empower all young Australians to become successful lifelong learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed members of the community,” said Minister Tehan. Northern Territory Minister for Education, the Hon Selena Uibo MLA, who hosted the launch of the new declaration in Alice Springs today, said, “Education has the power to transform the lives of all Australians and shape our collective future.

All young Australians should be equipped with the knowledge, skills and values required to achieve their ambitions and ensure Australia continues to thrive and prosper as a nation.” In launching the new declaration, all Education Ministers committed to:

promoting and supporting a high quality and inclusive early childhood education system, that ensures all young Australians are given the best start in life;

• education systems that build on the imagination, knowledge, cultures and languages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and embrace Australia’s rich cultural, social and linguistic diversity;

• the promotion of learning and wellbeing, to enable all young Australians to overcome educational disadvantage to unlock their full potential;

• education systems that encourage all young Australians to direct their own learning journeys, and feel safe and supported in navigating their education, training and employment options;

• strengthening partnerships with parents, carers, families and communities, who are the first and most important influences in a child’s life and an essential source of support; and

• attracting, developing, supporting and retaining high quality teachers, educators and leaders, so they can nurture and inspire our children and young people to learn.

Through the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration, all Australian Governments commit to partnering with the education community and the broader community to achieve these educational goals for all young Australians. The first biennial forum to track progress against these goals, showcase best practice and success stories will be held in 2021. 

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comparing the new Mparntwe to the melbourne education declaration


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